CRank: 5Score: 3220

LMAO...Bubble for the list..hilarious!

It's early...but no matter how many Halo haters are out won't change the fact that by the time this expansion drop..the anticipation for it will be through the roof...anybody who stood on a line for Halo 3 will understand..people love this franchise..period..

5615d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bethesda birthed an absolute masterpiece!..If you don't show this ridiculously massive experience GOTY love..than who do you do it for?..The one of the biggest reasons people argue against is because it it is a multi-platform game...who cares? I loved alot of games this this year..but this one had GOTY status written all over it...


5618d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LMAO @ this title..All of those games are a blast..I honestly don't know ONE person on my friends list that doesnt have at least one or both of those games..just crazy successful...but at the end of the day..we still go back to Halo when we hear about a map pack..or new achievements

5620d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am not going to lie..I'm actually pretty jaded hearing about this game..I'm tired of the previews..lift the damn EMBARGO already..but I will admit I enjoyed this quick snapshot into the game...I'm like a couple of the past a 360 guy..I need to hear HALO KILLER!!! DON'T WALK RUN TO THE STORES AND BUY THIS GAME!!! SLAP THE GUY BEHIND THE COUNTER IF HE SAYS IT'S SOLD OUT!!! This will make me spend 560 dollars + month...anything less I can wait

5620d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

See THAT's what I'm talking about..somebody that keeps it real and is not scared to just say..I love my system. I got friends who only own PS3s and friends who only own Wiis (I pray for them everyday)...and they are PASSIONATE about their systems..we rib each other all the time..the PS3 guy was KILLING me..because he kept coming in with his special edition 'Dark Knight' fact he walks in with new Bluray movies all the time..because he knows that I won't buy a stand alone..unless I ...

5620d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you serious? Read those articles..and you'll see what was they were trying to accomplish..but my bad..most of you can't see..unless you see 'PS3 is doomed'..or 'Is Killzone worth the hype'..then it's 'Oh woe is me..they picking on Sony'...Did you not notice all of the silly fanboy articles..just like this one..completely using the same fanboy techniques to discredit the 360...

First off newsflash..NO ONE who owns a 360 is JEALOUS..look..I'm sure alot of these bloggers..incl...

5620d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

LMAO...Are you this April 1st already?

Did I just read a Fanboy spazz out like a 3 year old toddler...and then actually write...

'You know, this is the reason why I'm often times embarrassed to say I'm a video games reporter amongst other journalists. Because children, like the ones at Gaming Target, screw me over.'

Classic Fanboy Hypocrisy...hurling the same tired arguments back at each other then pointing the finger like a kid getting his...

5620d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good post Meus..Bubble for you..but if you've played Killzone ..give us your unbiased it the best shooter ever?

5621d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LMFAO!!!!! Talk about about a CONTROVERSIAL article..This article compared GEARS of WARS 2..the game that is constantly bashed by people who never played it..with Killzone 2 ..the game that is clearly supposed to dominate the earth...and WHAT???? Gears 2 held it's own????...not the usual N4G post after post of 'It's only Gears 1.5'..not the usual 'It has so many glitches post...I know the review embargo isn't until the beginning of Feb..but WOW..I can already see..some reviews are going to EA...

5621d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

oops my bad..wasn't talking to me..

5621d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL @ NYCREDUDE getting all emotional because I told the truth...based on everything I've read thus let me get this straight..if I say the game is basically being compared as a futuristic Call of Duty 4 with the best graphic effects on a consle to date..I'm not a gamer? But when a game magazine says the same exact thing...what does that make them? One example..

Playstation Official Magazine UK said...

Sony’s flagship shooter pwns all’. Indeed, in the ‘i...

5621d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

LMAO..IGN proved to me what we suspected all's a good thing to come out of hiding over 3 years later after everything else has been you could steal the best of what the competition had to offer..Just like Gears 2 added Resident Evil 4 gameplay..based on what IGN says...

Killzone 2 is basically Call of Duty 4 with a first Person perspective Gears of War cover system..and a mutiplayer upgrade system that mixes the best of COD4 and adds the class elements of...

5621d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

NEWSFLASH...GEARS 2 is a COMPLETE BLAST..It came out only 2 months ago..and no matter how many PS3 fanboy article complaining about glitches won't change a was an amazing success..people are still buying it..and people are still playing it..and the best shooter in 2008 hands down..yup Killzone 2 will be a hot PS3 title..but the one thing Killzone 2 players will NEVER be able to say and a buddy had a blast playing co-op..which to be honest is Gears major strong point.....

5621d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Talk about a ridiculously HUGE game announcement if they date this game in will eclipse ANYTHING in it's vicinity..maybe we will get another E3 announcement...

5621d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment's a sad day when everything that is reported in preview form gets debunked. Just last week when they scanned the review..I said I was really suprised that co-op wasn't out the box for this AAA game. But to hear that it never existed is strange. But like I always say..remember when the infamous Halo 3 article came out and said that it would be difficult to implement the co-op into such a large game..and they suprised everyone at launch with a 4-player co-op out of the box. We will all ...

5621d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL..@ Wil4hire..your argument makes zero sense..a Microsoft Published game giving a nod to a Microsoft Published game that is easily one of the biggest franchises in video game history..milking? Damn that Mortal Combat for milking DC Comics...Damn Soul Caliber for Milking Star Wars...and yup you already gave a prime example of milking...look go look at the sales for Halo much as PS3 owners keep making it the butt of their won't matter..we still love the game..we still...

5622d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

LOL..salutes the Jolly1 for showing the Whore hater why we play games on the 360..bubble +1

5622d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

I hate it for you was hilarious running around dressed like Master Chief..but the sword was a pretty weak weapon...this will be a blast to play..definately downloading this weekend! LOL @ the FABLE 2 DLC hate already from the usual least 360 owners BUY their games...if it had came out on PS3 we would have definately saw the usual PS3 FABLE 2/ UNCHARTED bundle pack to try to boost the sales...**waits for K2 Bundle in 3..2..1..

5622d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

LOL...Ladies and Gentleman...Exhibit A!

5622d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

LMAO @ how mad these PS3 fanboys get when you get an article praising the 360...Chill guys..We all come to this site..and I'm sure you'll have another article bashing the 360 and praising the PS3 in a few minutes.. Look the absolute truth is Sony is not going anywhere anytime soon..and with Killzone dropping..I'd be crazy excited too if that was the ONLY system I owned. But the article pointed out some interesting stuff...who knew that little title 'Gears' that online PS3 fanboys pretend is a...

5622d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment